Media Contact

Janna Farley
(605) 332 - 2508 

October 5, 2018

Sioux Falls’ minority populations have doubled and almost tripled in some cases during the past decade, U.S. Census Bureau housing statistics show. Latinos make up about 5 percent of the population in Sioux Falls.

But native Spanish speakers who move to Sioux Falls still struggle to find resources because of the language barrier.

As an organization, we try to pay attention to the unmet needs in our community, and as we inch closer to Election Day, the ACLU of South Dakota wants to ensure everyone understands their rights when it comes to voting. That’s why the ACLU has translated some of its materials, including a “Know Your Voting Rights” brochure, into Spanish.

Everyone – whether they are a native English speaker or not – should understand their voting rights.

The Spanish language brochures are available at many locations in Sioux Falls, including the Multicultural Center, and are also available by request or online.

The ACLU has also translated some of its voting rights billboards into Spanish. The digital billboards will run through the November election in various locations throughout South Dakota.

The American Civil Liberties Union has a long history of helping voters understand and exercise their voting rights. The ACLU has been at the forefront of the fight against voter suppression as well as the movement to allow new voter access and will continue to do so after the November election and beyond.