Update: With a 6-1 vote, the Senate State Affairs Commitee voted to table House Joint Resolution 5006.

Background: House Joint Resolution 5006 would ask voters to approve an amendment to the state constitution that would clarify prohibit the consideration of an initiated constitutional amendment or initiated measure having the same subject as a previously rejected initiated amendment or measure

Our position: The ACLU of South Dakota opposes House Joint Resolution 5006.  

South Dakotans are well-versed in direct democracy. The state was the first in the nation to adopt an initiative and referendum process in 1898, giving citizens the power to propose and approve laws under which they live. In 1972, citizens were given the ability to petition for constitutional amendments to be added to the ballot. South Dakotans only use the citizen initiative process if the state legislature is not accountable to the voters. Our legislators should be doing everything they can to encourage people to participate in democracy, not try to thwart it.


Representatives Lems (prime) and Odenbach





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