General information

Support our work

  • To become a card carrying member of the ACLU of South Dakota, click here. Join by phone by calling 888-567-ACLU (888-567-2258) 
  • To become an ACLU volunteer, please submit this form
  • To donate or talk about deepening your financial support of the work we do at the ACLU of South Dakota, please email

Legal assistance

  • If you're seeking legal assistance or advice on a civil liberties related concern, please fill out our legal intake form.

Media inquiries

  • To get a local civil liberties angle to your story, please email Janna at or
  • To request a speaker from the ACLU of South Dakota or request a member of our team to come to your event as a vendor, please fill out this form
  • To share your story with us on a particular civil liberties issue to be published as a blog or video, please email Janna at

Mailing address: 

American Civil Liberties Union of South Dakota
P.O. Box 1170
Sioux Falls, SD 57101