oppose thumb

Update: With a 58-11 vote, House lawmakers voted to advance Senate Joint Resolution 503. The bill now awaits Gov. Larry Rhoden's signature. 

Background: Senate Joint Resolution 503 would ask voters to approve an amendment to the state constitution that would clarify that an individual must be a citizen of the United States to be eligible to vote.

Our position: The ACLU of South Dakota opposes Senate Joint Resolution 503. An individual must already be a United States citizen in order to register to vote. This bill is unnecessary and redundant and could be used to intimidate some voters on the basis or race or language proficiency.


Senators Howard (prime), Carley, Crabtree, Grove, Hulse, Jensen (Kevin), Marty, Mehlhaff, Nelson, Otten, Perry, Pischke, and Voight and Representatives Manhart (prime), Andera, Auch, Aylward, Baxter, Greenfield, Hunt, Ismay, Jensen (Phil), and others


Passed both chambers



Bill number

