Are you interested in volunteering and working with the ACLU of South Dakota?

We are looking for dedicated volunteers to join us and advocate for change in our communities. 

To help prepare volunteers, we are hosting two training sessions in July.

  • July 24th 
    12p.m. - 2p.m.
    Downtown Sioux Falls Library 
    200 N. Dakota Ave.
    Lunch provided
  • July 24th 
    6p.m. - 8p.m. 
    Downtown Sioux Falls Library 
    200 N. Dakota Ave.
    Dinner provided

Join our team at one of these sessions and learn about how our volunteer program, current campaigns, and actions you can take will impact our communities. Additionally, get equipped on how to become an official ACLU of South Dakota Legal Observer. 

Sign up to volunteer with us here. 

Email for more information.