Every year the South Dakota Legislature fails to advance legislation that protects the health of women and their families. This year is no exception. Our legislative body has introduced a bill that further stifles a woman’s reproductive autonomy. Senate Bill 110 is a bill that attacks Planned Parenthood and shames women who have made the decision to have an abortion.
SB 110 alleges Planned Parenthood in Sioux Falls is not following state laws regarding pre-abortion counseling. Legislators are attempting to transfer this role to Crisis Pregnancy Centers (CPCs) that are commonly known for their anti-abortion views . Women should make healthcare decisions with a trusted medical professional and not an organization specifically chosen by politicians for their anti-abortion views.
This bill, which passed in the Senate on Tuesday with a 27-8 vote; attempts to amend a law passed seven years ago that is currently unenforceable, unconstitutional, and will leave taxpayers on the hook for the cost of legal fees when this winds up back in court. The passage of SB 110 wouldn’t be just bad for women, it would be bad economic policy.
The South Dakota Legislature has continuously attacked women with medically unfounded and legally unsound bills. SB 110 proves that our elected officials are determined to make abortion difficult to access, thus rendering the right to choose non-existent in our state. These attacks aren’t just cruel – they’re at odds with the Constitution. We will continue to fight against these measures and hope you’ll be there with us.
Want to get involved? Next week we’re part of a coalition hosting a Women’s Health and Reproductive Rights Lobby Day in Pierre, join us! You will hear from women who have been personally impacted by South Dakota’s extreme anti-abortion policies, and learn how you can take action and defend reproductive freedom! Learn more and RSVP here.
See more bills we're tracking here.