Please be aware that the organizations hosting these legislative coffees and cracker barrels are not affiliated in any way with the ACLU.
Mitchell Cracker Barrel
Friday, March 1, noon - 1 p.m. CT
Dakota Wesleyan University's School of Business, Innovation, and Leadership - 103 Lecture Hall (located on the SE side of campus)
The public will have an opportunity to submit questions in person or questions can be emailed to Alex Heidinger at alex@mitchellsd.com ahead of time. The session will be streamed via Facebook Live on the Mitchell Chamber & Development Corporation page.
Rapid City Legislative Cracker Barrel
Saturday, March 2, 9 a.m. MT
Event Center at the Western Dakota Tech campus
800 Mickelson Dr.
Districts, TBA
The organizations hosting these legislative coffees and cracker barrels are not affiliated in any way with the ACLU of South Dakota or the ACLU National Offices.