One person really can make a different. That’s Thea Patrick’s philosophy.
But for a long time, Thea just assumed that she didn’t have anything substantial to contribute to those who were already making change.
At some point, however, Thea realized she didn’t need any particular skills or expertise to get involved with causes she cares about most – reproductive freedom, women’s rights, and LGBTQ+ rights – to make a difference. It’s about taking that first step and taking action. “There’s so much out there that that needs to change, and nothing will change unless we do something about it. … I just had to give my time and my passion.”
That’s why Thea’s always ready to volunteer, whether it phone banking with the ACLU of South Dakota or canvassing for ballot initiatives in the state or just talking to voters about the issues ahead of an election. “I’m kind of shy person by nature, but once I get out there, it’s really empowering and makes me more passionate about the causes I’m working on,” she said.