By: Chelsea Gilbertson, ACLU Intern

On Saturday, the ACLU of South Dakota team was on hand for the 2015 Sioux Falls Pride festival, hosted by The Center for Equality. Our booth welcomed festivalgoers with stickers, buttons, Know Your Rights pamphlets, and the infamous PRIDE frame. We had a blast celebrating love, equality, and the Sioux Falls area LGBT community!

In addition to being a part of our local PRIDE celebrations, the ACLU has a long history of defending the rights of the LGBT community on a local and national level. Some examples of our recent work include:

The ACLU looks forward to the continued participation in the PRIDE festival, as well as to the progress we seek to make in South Dakota.

And don’t forget: The U.S. Supreme Court decision on the freedom to marry is expected on Monday. Visit us on our Facebook and Twitter pages for important updates!