South Dakotans Want an Honest and Robust Education

Recently, members of the House Education Committee voted to advance House Bill 1012 and House Bill 1337, legislation that would censor academic discussion in South Dakota classrooms.  

Some lawmakers claim that educators are teaching about race and its place in history, among other topics, in ways that sow division among students and are contrary to the unity of the nation. They say that bans on honest discussions about race and government prevent the political indoctrination of students. But many would interpret this to mean a ban on discussing or raising issues of race, gender or politics in the classroom at all. Simply put, these bills are a blatant attempt to suppress speech that some may disfavor. 

South Dakotans deserve the right to receive an equitable education where they can freely learn and talk about the history, experiences and viewpoints of all marginalized communities in this country. All young people deserve to learn an inclusive and complete history in schools, free from censorship or discrimination.  

And we’re not the only ones opposing bills like this. People across the state have been speaking out since they were introduced.   

South Dakotans have been voicing their opposition to classroom censorship bills in Pierre, in their communities, and online. Read on to learn more about the very personal reasons some South Dakotans – our friends and neighbors – oppose bills that censor our classrooms.   

If you oppose classroom censorship, too, speak up!